FTSE Lifted By Oil Markets - shareprices.com :: http://shareprices.com/news/ftse-lifted-by-oil-markets-368
Sainsbury's to phase out multi-buy promotions in favour of lower regular prices - Money Market :: http://www.money-marketuk.com/consumer/sainsbury-s-to-phase-out-multi-buy-promotions-in-favour-of-lower-regular-prices
GSK Fined £38m For 'Stifling' Drug Competition - Manx Radio :: http://www.manxradio.com/news/uk-business/gsk-fined-38m-for-stifling-drug-competition/
Aldi warns rival UK supermarkets that they will not be able to match its new price cuts - International Business Times UK :: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/aldi-warns-rival-uk-supermarkets-that-they-will-not-be-able-match-its-new-price-cuts-1543606
Market turmoil could hold back euro zone inflation - ECB's Coeure - Reuters UK :: http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ecb-inflation-coeure-idUKKCN0VM099
Iran exporting 1.3 mln bpd of crude, set to increase - Al-Arabiya :: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/2016/02/13/Iran-exporting-1-3-mln-bpd-of-crude-set-to-increase-.html
BAE to name Charles Woodburn as new chief operating officer - Financial Times :: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/edb27a70-d24c-11e5-829b-8564e7528e54.html
New legislation aims to close the gender pay gap for good - but will it really work? - Cosmopolitan UK :: http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/worklife/news/a41219/legislation-gender-pay-gap/
Battered banks poised to reveal whether a new crisis has begun - The Guardian :: http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/feb/13/banks-enter-reporting-season-in-shadow-of-lehman-brothers
The biggest problem for banks: they aren't very good at making money - AOL Money UK :: http://money.aol.co.uk/2016/02/13/the-biggest-problem-for-banks-they-aren-t-very-good-at-making-money/
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