tisdag 31 mars 2015

01-Apr-2015 07:15

Yoox to Merge With Richemont's Net-a-Porter in Stock Deal - Bloomberg :: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-31/richemont-to-merge-net-a-porter-online-luxury-retailer-with-yoox

Honda turns Swindon into Civic centre - Car and Van News :: https://carandvannews.co.uk/honda-turns-swindon-into-civic-centre/

Lynch bites back as HP sues Autonomy duo in UK for $5.1bn - Business Weekly :: http://www.businessweekly.co.uk/news/hi-tech/lynch-bites-back-hp-sues-autonomy-duo-uk-51bn

Mitie issues a profit warning - CITY A.M. :: http://www.cityam.com/212918/mitie-issues-profit-warning

Activist group attacks Alliance Trust 'spin' and management - The Independent :: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/activist-group-attacks-alliance-trust-spin-and-management-10147939.html

DIY is not dead, says chief exec of Kingfisher - CITY A.M. :: http://www.cityam.com/212924/diy-not-dead-says-chief-exec-kingfisher

High pay may not be palatable to all, but it is vital to attract top talent - Telegraph.co.uk :: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jobs/11507230/High-pay-may-not-be-palatable-to-all-but-it-is-vital-to-attract-top-talent.html

Berkshire's Buffett says Grexit 'may not be bad' for euro zone - CNBC - Reuters UK :: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/04/01/uk-funds-investing-buffett-idUKKBN0MR2G520150401

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